Episode 48: Sharing Jesus With Those Who DON'T Believe The Bible - Dr. Mikel Del Rosario (The Apologetics Guy)
This resource guides you through a clear, step-by-step process designed to help you focus on what God wants you to prioritize for the week.
With HIM guiding you, you can then step into divine clarity, confidence, and a deeply restored sense of purpose...
...because you know that the things you're doing ARE the things HE'S leading you to do.
And those are the things that are WORTH your time and energy.
How do we share our faith with those who DON'T believe one of the main bases for our faith: The Bible?
Today we're joined by Dr. Mikel Del Rosario, a seasoned Professor of Bible and Theology at Moody Bible Institute with over 15 years training Christians in apologetics, to break down:
What actually is apologetics, and why does it matter for every believer?
The real root of all the disagreement about Jesus (despite historical evidence)
Practical tips for navigating questions and conversations with grace and love (and avoiding nasty debates) with those who don't share your beliefs
What famous atheists say about Jesus
The key "one-pager" fact sheet about Jesus you should know & can talk about
And much more...
Dr. Mikel Del Rosario helps Christians find clear answers to tough questions about Christianity and explain the faith with courage and compassion.
He is a Professor of Bible and Theology at Moody Bible Institute. Previously, he taught Christian Apologetics and World Religion at William Jessup University and Digital Media for Ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has published over 30 journal articles on apologetics and cultural engagement in Bibliotheca Sacra with his mentor, Dr. Darrell Bock. He holds an M.A. in Christian Apologetics with highest honors from Biola University, along with a Master of Theology (Th.M) and a Ph.D in Biblical Studies (Emphasis in New Testament Studies) from Dallas Theological Seminary where he served at the Hendricks Center, hosting The Table podcast.
He is also host of The Apologetics Guy Show: conversations that help men and women find clear answers to tough questions about Christianity and navigate spiritual conversations with courage and compassion. Learn more at https://apologeticsguy.com.
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