The podcast wasn’t random…
God has been preparing it for years!
Here is just a glimpse into the backstory of how all this came to be:
Neither Alex & Grace know each other yet, but they both make decisions to follow Jesus!
While studying abroad in Hong Kong, Alex’s faith in Jesus and love for community grows exponentially through a ministry called Alpha.
He receives a powerful prophetic word that sticks with him, about him being a voice that will influence many people for God from a mountaintop.
Grace attends Urbana, a student missions conference. Her eyes are opened and heart races inexplicably when she hears about marketplace missions - and she senses a strong confirmation that God has made her with passions & gifts in media, marketing, & ministry intentionally for his purposes.
Encouraged by a friend, Alex attends an immersive leadership development training hosted by GiANT.
To his surprise, he senses a calling towards entrepreneurship someday - though not alone, but in partnership with others.
Encouraged by a friend, Grace attends Praxis Academy, a week-long conference about faith-driven, redemptive entrepreneurship.
She realizes that she has been subconsciously resistant to entrepreneurship, but God had actually planted an entrepreneurial seed inside of her.
She senses that he will someday call her to start an entrepreneurial endeavor…
but she doesn’t yet have a clear vision from God about what it will be.
Grace & Alex unintentionally meet through a Facebook Group!
On their very first video call, they are surprised to find they both share the same life mission: to use their real-life stories and experiences to help lead others closer to Jesus!
Four months after daily long-distance “getting to know each other,” Alex flies over to Australia. They become official!
On a normal Saturday afternoon, Grace gets the first of multiple, sudden “divine downloads” from the Holy Spirit.
She somehow writes down - nonstop - pages upon pages of content ideas, accompanied with stories and revelations, to encourage people to grow in their faith.
Grace’s boss at Google asks her what she envisions her future to look like.
(It’s almost laughable because it’s so different from what she currently does: retail marketing!)
She senses again that deep down, she still has a dream to inspire people to step into the fullness of life God has made them for.
Also interestingly, Grace’s favorite part of her job is doing workplace ministry with the Google Christian Fellowship - including managing a monthly newsletter & writing mid-week encouragements.
Throughout the years, Grace gets a few more moments of sudden inspiration from the Holy Spirit, of more content topic ideas that fill up many pages - each time not knowing when, how, or if the content would ever be shared.
Grace & Alex also get multiple prophetic words that seem to further confirm a future calling in entrepreneurship, business, creativity, encouraging others, making disciples, growing in their God-given confidence, & more.
Oh, and in 2020, Grace transitions into full-time ministry, & Grace & Alex also get married! 🎉
In the years following, God drastically grows both Alex & Grace in their God-given confidence, surrender, spiritual discernment, ministry partnership, leadership, discipleship, community-building, & much more.
2019 - 2021
Grace & Alex both separately sense a growing stirring from God of coming changes in their season - including in Grace’s assignment of work.
In this discernment period, Grace gets multiple amazing prophetic words confirming things she is hearing from God - including friends at a prayer gathering sharing that they sense God calling her to be his “MOUTHPIECE.”
Unbeknownst to them, but just a few days before, she had just written and emphasized that exact same word in her journal after writing down what she had sensed God highlighting to her.
Alex & Grace follow God’s lead to enter the unknown: which is also a powerful & transformative pruning season… determined to pursue not their earthly potential, but their God-given callings.
They feel a strong conviction to not rush ahead of God’s lead - but to intentionally sow into building a firm spiritual foundation to properly steward & sustain whatever his assignment would be up ahead.
They enter a season of intentional prayer & fasting, experiencing deeper intimacy with & clarity from God, hearing from him in many amazing ways!
One night, Grace is kept up until 4am - overcome with ideas from the Holy Spirit. She writes down ideas, vision, plans for a podcast.
The Holy Spirit makes her heart race again (like at Urbana in 2015), & her brain is physically full from all the ideas!
…But this time, it feels different.
This time, the ideas are much clearer, & Grace senses that this time, it would be disobedient to ignore it.
The next morning, she shares the ideas with Alex & their friend Tim, who share in the excitement & belief in the vision!
They pray, brainstorm, discuss, experiment, & prepare for launching the podcast, remembering the countless ways God has been birthing this long ago…
…knowing that success won’t be determined by the outcomes, but in simply & faithfully obeying his call.
So, what’s next?
Though the future is full of unknowns, what we do know is this…
These events were not an accident.
God is so much bigger than we can imagine, & he writes & orchestrates our stories so much better than we ever could.
It’s never about how much we can do on our own, but how much we can surrender our hearts, gifts, timing, plans, & our whole lives to God. He wants to fulfill his Kingdom purposes with and through his people!
We’re meant to be on God’s mission together, not alone.
So thank you for being here!
We hope you’ll join us in following God’s lead - so that more people would know, grow in, & find freedom through an authentic relationship with him!