Episode 45: 5 Tips for Navigating Singleness on Valentine's Day
This resource guides you through a clear, step-by-step process designed to help you focus on what God wants you to prioritize for the week.
With HIM guiding you, you can then step into divine clarity, confidence, and a deeply restored sense of purpose...
...because you know that the things you're doing ARE the things HE'S leading you to do.
And those are the things that are WORTH your time and energy.
If you're single and dreading "that" day coming around the corner... this episode is dedicated specifically to you.
This is also our first-ever "solo episode," in which I (Grace) share some of my own personal journey of navigating singleness (especially around Valentine's Day), including:
The very real challenges of being "content in singleness" in a world that glorifies romance
My own journey & reflections amidst so-called "waiting seasons" with God
5 Practical Tips for what to do with uncomfortable / mixed emotions that often come up
Biblical vs. secular self-love & why it matters
Managing the tensions of having longings AND trusting God
NOTE: If this topic resonates with you, let us know in the YouTube comments! We'd love to hear from you about what topic(s) you want to unpack more in future episodes, as we continue to explore how to truly live by faith, according to God's truth & perspective.
Is It BAD To Have Desires? (How To Manage The Tension Between DESIRE & SURRENDER) | Ep. 27
What If My Prayers STILL Aren't Answered? (5 UNEXPECTED Gifts Of UNANSWERED Prayers) | Ep. 26
What People Don't Tell You About Grieving - Natasha Smith ("Can You Just Sit with Me?") | Ep. 30
What is “Self-Care” vs. “Soul Care” (& Why Does It Matter)? | Ep. 16
You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis & Lisa Chan
Celebrating Singles (Online Course & Podcast)
Coming soon