episode Grace & Alex Tran episode Grace & Alex Tran

Episode 50: "I'm Afraid To Be My REAL Self..." - Knowing & Thriving As Your AUTHENTIC Self!

What does it even mean to be our AUTHENTIC selves?

How do we know if we are (or aren't)?

What does NOT doing it really cost us?

And how do we PRACTICALLY navigate "self-discovery" God's way... and to live freely and fully as our TRUE selves?

We hope this conversation helps you know you're not alone; equips you to overcome the pressures to conform, social anxiety, and the temptations to hide; and empowers you to shine God's light BOLDLY and BRIGHTLY wherever you go!

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episode Grace & Alex Tran episode Grace & Alex Tran

Episode 14: NON-OBVIOUS Tactics That Have Helped Us Overcome COMPARISON

Comparison can be a silent thief, robbing us of joy, contentment, and SO much more.

In this episode, we dive into the complexities and nuances of comparison, sharing our own raw and honest (and ongoing) experiences with it - and what has been most helpful to us in overcoming it.

Join us as we explore the hidden ways that comparison seeps into our lives, affecting us in ways we often don't even realize... including our faith, relationships, and identity.

We pray that these unconventional tactics (that most people don't talk about) and our personal examples and stories empower you to break free from the comparison trap... and confidently become the person God's made you to be, and powerfully live out the unique purpose he's called you to fulfill!

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