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"How Do I ACTUALLY Spend Time With God?" - Escaping Hustle Culture (Pt. 1) | Ep. 63

We’re diving into a topic today that feels more real than ever... especially as we all feel the weight of increasing responsibilities, roles, and expectations as we get older.

It’s no secret that the pressures of adulting, career, and hustle culture all around us often perpetuate a constant cycle of stress and restlessness... So how do we resist and find freedom from the hustle?

This episode is part 1 of our conversation where we open up about how, for us, spending intentional time with God has played a HUGE role doing just this - including these past few months.

Join us as we unpack why spending time with God can often feel so hard and elusive - and share practical tools that you can apply right away for making time with God a priority (even if you're not a morning person!).

We hope this conversation helps demystify what it really looks like to escape the hustle and anchor yourself in the very real and accessible presence of God.

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Episode 23: 3 REASONS Why You Haven't Been Able To Change (& How To Overcome Them)

This is probably one of the MOST IMPORTANT episodes we've recorded to date.

Ever wonder: What is it exactly that's keeping you STUCK?

Whether it's overcoming comparison, fear of people's opinions, imposter syndrome, financial anxiety, chronic stress, burnout, confusion and purposelessness, insert-your-own-struggle-here... today, we're unpacking (like, really unpacking) 3 common barriers to experiencing lasting transformation.

We talk about everything from the impact of our childhood experiences, to how to get out of toxic self-talk cycles, to our heart-mind connection and how to get authentically - and powerfully - connected with God and ourselves.

Join us as we dissect the invisible culprits that could very well be holding you back from seeing the changes you deeply desire, as well as give you practical examples of how to take steps forward.

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Episode 14: NON-OBVIOUS Tactics That Have Helped Us Overcome COMPARISON

Comparison can be a silent thief, robbing us of joy, contentment, and SO much more.

In this episode, we dive into the complexities and nuances of comparison, sharing our own raw and honest (and ongoing) experiences with it - and what has been most helpful to us in overcoming it.

Join us as we explore the hidden ways that comparison seeps into our lives, affecting us in ways we often don't even realize... including our faith, relationships, and identity.

We pray that these unconventional tactics (that most people don't talk about) and our personal examples and stories empower you to break free from the comparison trap... and confidently become the person God's made you to be, and powerfully live out the unique purpose he's called you to fulfill!

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