episode Grace & Alex Tran episode Grace & Alex Tran

Episode 59: A Vulnerable Convo on Generational Trauma, Finding Your Calling as Asian Americans - John Chen

It's not every day you see two grown Asian American men unpack their generational trauma.

Today, we're joined by John Chen, Founder & President at ABOUND Education and Life Coach, as he and Alex dive deep into a raw, vulnerable, and insightful conversation (and a mini impromptu LIVE coaching session) about their experiences, struggles, and lessons learned as Asian American sons of immigrant parents.

Join us as we unpack:

  • John's powerful testimony of how God spoke to him about leaving his stable career in finance to start a college counseling business

  • What has helped in healing generational trauma & breaking cycles of family pain

  • The reality of navigating unresolved tensions with parents

  • Discerning what season you're in & where God is leading you in your career (& life)

  • How we can break down the barriers that block us from God's love

  • The unique pressures & challenges faced by children of immigrant parents

  • Insights on discerning God's wisdom & guidance in your personal & professional life

  • And much more...

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Episode 18: From Confusion to CLARITY: A 4-Part Framework For Discerning God's Will ("Good" vs. "Should")

Just because it's a good thing... doesn't mean you should do it.

Through the crossroads in our own journeys, we've learned some super valuable lessons and tips that we want to share to help you discern God's will - and how he is leading you.

In this episode, we dive into some factors that make decision-making so hard... and walk you through 4 categories of important questions that have helped us a lot in discerning between what's a "good" vs. a "should."

We hope this conversation and framework helps you break free from analysis paralysis... and instead, find God's divine wisdom and guidance from amidst all the noise, in order to step forward with clarity, purpose, and confident faith!

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Episode 14: NON-OBVIOUS Tactics That Have Helped Us Overcome COMPARISON

Comparison can be a silent thief, robbing us of joy, contentment, and SO much more.

In this episode, we dive into the complexities and nuances of comparison, sharing our own raw and honest (and ongoing) experiences with it - and what has been most helpful to us in overcoming it.

Join us as we explore the hidden ways that comparison seeps into our lives, affecting us in ways we often don't even realize... including our faith, relationships, and identity.

We pray that these unconventional tactics (that most people don't talk about) and our personal examples and stories empower you to break free from the comparison trap... and confidently become the person God's made you to be, and powerfully live out the unique purpose he's called you to fulfill!

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Episode 13: “I Heard God's AUDIBLE Voice” - Finding & Fulfilling Your God-Given Purpose with Chris Beth, Founder of The Bucket Ministry

Ever wonder what it's like to LITERALLY hear God's voice?

But even when we don't... how can we still faithfully discern and take steps forward in the calling he has for us?

As a new believer, Chris Beth found himself unexpectedly in the Amazon rainforest. Through this humbling experience, God spoke to him in an extraordinary, audible way - one that would forever change his life.

In this episode, we unpack Chris' process of discovering and stepping into his God-given assignment, navigating through doubts and ambiguities, and the impact it's all had on him and his family - and their ministry, The Bucket Ministry.

Most of all, we pray that this conversation helps you take steps forward in pursuing your God-given assignment - to help and serve those he cares for - with purpose, boldness, and FAITH.

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Episode 9: "I Was In A Same-Sex Relationship for 10 Years": LGBTQIA+ & Faith - Nadia Benbernou

How do we navigate Pride Month as Christians?

With so much complexity around the subject of sexual orientation & faith, we recognize it's a sensitive one that's hard to talk about, let alone know how to approach in our everyday lives.

In this episode, we're joined by our friend Nadia Benbernou, as she opens up about some incredible stories of how Jesus has transformed her life...

From a comfy career as a Google engineer with a PhD from MIT, to becoming a full-time missionary in one of the poorest & most dangerous countries in the world...

And from being in a same-sex relationship for 10 years (and then marriage), to having God completely transform her identity and sexuality in ways she least unexpected.

Wherever you might currently stand, our genuine hope and prayer is that this convo inspires you, and perhaps challenges you, to consider what God can do in and through people...

…and to have and to reflect the kind of true freedom, peace, and wholeness he so deeply desires for ALL of us. ❤️

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